No. 260, April 2013
15545 - Thomas Thannheiser
Die Schwalbe, Nr. 260, 04/2013
Lob (207.TT)
15+14. PG in 5.5 moves. a) Losing Game b) Chess 8/1
a) 1. d3 a6 2. Le3 Ta7 3. Lxa7 Sc6 4. Lb8 Sxb8 5. d4 e5 6. dxe5 b) 1. d3 a6 2. Le3 Ta7 3. Lxa7 e5 4. Lc5 Lxc5 5. d4 Lf8 6. dxe5
15546 - Stephan Dietrich
12+13. PG in 10.0 moves
Ongoing solving contest - please send solutions your solutions and comments to retros(at)
15547 - Mark Kirtley
12+11. PG in 13.5 moves (2 solutions)
15548 - Kostas Prentos, Andrej N. Frolkin
14+13. PG 22.0 moves
15549 - Silvio Baier
16+10. PG in 27.5 moves
1.a4 c5 2.a5 c4 3.a6 c3 4.axb7 a5 5.h4 a4 6.h5 a3 7.h6 a2 8.hxg7 h5 9.Sa3 h4 10.Tb1 a1=S 11.d3 Sb3 12.cxb3 c2 13.Lf4 c1=D 14.Ta1 Dc6 15.Kd2 Df3 16.exf3 h3 17.Se2 h2 18.Tg1 h1=S 19.Lh2 Sg3 20.Th1 Se4+ 21.dxe4 d5 22.Sg3 d4 23.Lc4 d3 24.Ke3 d2 25.Df1 d1=D 26.Lg1 D1d7 27.Ld5 Dg4 28.fxg4
15550 - Roberto Osorio, Jorge Joaquin Lois
Dedicated to Kardinal Jorge Bergoglio
12+14. PG in 28.0 moves
15551 - Andreas Thoma
5+7. Retract 2 moves, then #1 (Proca Retractor, Anticirce Cheylan)
15552 - Wolfgang Dittmann, Klaus Wenda
2+8. Retract 12 moves, then #1 (Proca Retractor, Anticirce Calvet without forward defense)
Der entschlagene schwarze Stein blockt e8 nach neun Lenkungszügen. Lenkungsmittel ist ein beidseitig dreifeldriges Remispendel mit Abkürzung.
15553 - Vlaicu Crisan
Dedicated to Klaus Wenda
11+5. retract 7 moves, then s#1 (Proca Retractor, Circe Assassin)
15554 - Thomas Thannheiser
11+12. PG in 12.0 moves (Losing Game)
15555 - Alfred Pfeiffer
Fischer Random Chess (Chess960). How many of the 960 possible starting positions are legal under the condition that all castling rights on both sides are intact and black is to move?
Fischer Random Chess. Wieviele der 960 möglichen Partie-Anfangsstellungen des Fischer Random Chess (Chess960) sind bei Aufrechterhaltung sämtlicher Rochaderechte beider Seiten mit Schwarz am Zug legal?