by Karl Fabel
This collection lists all retros (number 1-16, 18-21) from the chapter "Rekorde in der Retroanalyse" of Fabel's 1955 book Rund um das Schachbrett. These are all records of some sort: economy records, length records, etc.
In addition, we list two problems found elsewhere in the book. Many thanks to Otto Janko for entering this collection!
NB: The page is still slightly incomplete re: authors, publications, awards, solutions etc. Let me know how I can improve it!
1 - numerous authors V. Røpke Tourney, Skakbladet, 1924
6+1. Last move?
2 - Dr. Niels Høeg V. Røpke Tourney, Skakbladet, 1924
6+2. Last 2 single moves?
3 - Dr. K. Fabel Rund um das Schachbrett, 1955
5+4. Last move (in each case)
4 - Dr. L. Ceriani 1st Prize Sahovski Vjesnik, 1951
2+11. Last move?
5 - Dr. Niels Høeg Skakbladet, 1916
3+1. Last 3 single moves?
6 - N. Petrovic Problem, 1954 1st/2nd Prize 4th Thematic Tourney
6+1. Last 6 single moves?
7 - N. Petrovic version 1st Prize, 1953
7+1. Last 7 single moves?
8 - H. August and H. Heimpel Schachmatt, 1948
15+16. Last 3 single moves?
9 - H. August and Dr. K. Fabel Fairy Chess Review, 1949
16+12. Position after Wh. 17th move. Last 16 single moves?
10 - H. August Die Schwalbe, Feb. 1941
13+14. Last 54 single moves?
11 - Dr. K. Fabel Am Rande des Schachbretts, 1947
13+14. Position after Wh. 42th move. How did the game go?
12 - Dr. Karl Fabel Die Schwalbe, Aug./Sep. 1942
15+15. Wh. and Bl. retract 22 moves and then h#1
13 - H. August and Dr. Karl Fabel Fairy Chess Review, Dec. 1946
10+13. Wh. and Bl. retract 35 moves and then 1#
14 - H. August Die Schwalbe, 1942
13+14. What was the position 65 single moves ago?
15 - Dr. L. Ceriani and Dr. K. Fabel Am Rande des Schachbretts, 1947
9+16. Shortest proof game in 183 moves
16 - Dr. K. Fabel and Dr. L. Ceriani Am Rande des Schachbretts, 1947
11+16. Last 111 moves are without captures or Pawn moves !
18 - Dr. Julio Sunyer and George Alvey The Chess Amateur, 1929
14+11. Release the position (Hint: the bl. King played 96 moves!)
19 - Dr. K. Fabel Fairy Chess Review, 1953
14+14. (a) Last 6 single moves? (b) Least number of moves by the bl. King?
20 - T. R. Dawson The Chess Amateur, 1930
11+15. Who wins?
21 - Dr. Karl Fabel Fairy Chess Review, Jun. 1946
14+14. Can White win?
A - Dr. Karl Fabel Am Rande des Schachbretts, 1947
13+11. Ortho-Reconstruction in 171.5 moves (Wh. starts)
B - Dr. Karl Fabel parallèle 50, 29.09.1950
11+11. Ortho-Reconstruction in 21.5 moves (Wh. starts)