April 1995
A - Bartel, Eugen Erich Die Schwalbe, 09-10/1964
9+8. Wh. to move. Ortho-Reconstruction
3671 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 04/1995
2+1. Retract 1 Wh. and 1 Bl. move, and then h#1 (Circe) (no Wh. King)
3672 - Zagler, Ludwig Problemkiste, 04/1995
1+2. Retract 1 Wh. and 1 Bl. move, and then h#1 (Anti-Circe)
3673 - Zagler, Ludwig Problemkiste, 04/1995
3675 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 04/1995
2+2. Retract 1 Wh. and 1 Bl. move, and then h#1
3676 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 04/1995
3+1. Retract 1 Wh. and 1 Bl. move, and then h#1 (Circe)
3718 - Tschöpe, Jürgen Problemkiste, 04/1995
16+15. Proof game in 3.0 moves (Dynamo chess)