October 1994
3511 - Steudel, Friedrich Theodor Problemkiste, 10/1994
1+1. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h=1* (2 solutions)
3512 - Steudel, Friedrich Theodor Problemkiste, 10/1994
1+2. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h=1
3513 - Steudel, Friedrich Theodor Problemkiste, 10/1994
2+2. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h=1 (Grasshopper h8)
3514 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 10/1994
2+1. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h#1 (Circe) (No wh. King)
3515 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 10/1994
1+2. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h#1 (Circe) (No wh. King)
3516 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 10/1994
2+2. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h#1
3517 - Gla?#376;, Günter Problemkiste, 10/1994
1+3. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h#1 (No wh. King)
3518 - Oliva, Zdenek Problemkiste, 10/1994 (This problem was later found to be cooked)
2+2. Retract 1 Bl. move, then h#1; 4.1...
3555 - Oliva, Zdenek Problemkiste, 10/1994
2+3. Wh. and Bl. retract 1 move, then h=2
3562 - Büsing, Günter Problemkiste, 10/1994
14+14. Shortest proof game in 17.5 moves