Awards 1998 (by M. Nordlohne)
R022 - Unto Heinonen Probleemblad, May 1998 1st prize
14+16. Proof game in 23.0 moves
R037 - Michel Caillaud Probleemblad, Nov. 1998 2nd prize
13+12. Proof game in 22.5 moves
R025 - Michel Caillaud Probleemblad, Jul. 1998 3rd prize
13+15. Proof game in 19.0 moves
R031 - Tom Volet Probleemblad, Sep. 1998 Ded. Peter van den Heuvel 1st honorable mention
15+10. Last move?
R020 - Tom Volet Probleemblad, Mar. 1998 2nd honorable mention
12+11. Who has the move?
R023 - Tom Volet Probleemblad, May 1998 3rd honorable mention
14+11. Draw
R038 - Gianni Donati Probleemblad, Nov. 1998 Ded. Michel Caillaud 1st commendation
14+15. Proof game in 22.0 moves
R026c - Joost de Heer Probleemblad, Sep. 1998 (for the corrected version) 2nd commendation
12+14. Proof game in 23.0 moves
R021c - Gianni Donati Probleemblad, Sep. 1998 (for the corrected version) 3rd commendation
15+14. Proof game in 14.0 moves