Awards 1989 (Awarded by Günter Lauinger)
439 - W. Dittmann Phénix 7, 1989 1st Prize Phénix 1989
14+14. (Losing Game) Last Pawn move?
351 - A. Kisljak Phénix 6, 1989 2nd Prize Phénix 1989
12+13. Solve the position
438 - N. Plaksin Phénix 7, 1989 Ded. A. Kisljak 1st Hon. Mention Phénix 1989
10+14. Position after Bl. 45th move. Reconstruct the game
275 - N. Shankar Ram Phénix 5, 1989 2nd Hon. Mention Phénix 1989
8+11. Pacific retractor. Wh. retracts 2 moves and mates in 1 Set play, 4 tries, 3 solutions (Non-stop equihopper f5, Siamese file-rooks c4 & c8)
349 - A. Frolkin Phénix 6, 1989 3rd Hon. Mention Phénix 1989
8+16. White to move. Solve the position
350 - P. Wassong Phénix 6, 1989 4th Hon. Mention Phénix 1989
14+12. First move of the bl. Queen?