Awarded Problems
During the traditional Composers Weekend in Nunspeet, organized by the Dutch Chess Composition Society, there were two retro elements: a solving competition and a composing tourney.
The result of the solving competition was:
7 compositions (5 proof games, 1 orthodox retro, and one fairy proof game, to be solved in 2h time, extra points could be won by guessing the authors)
1. Michel Caillaud 36.5 2. Dolf Wissmann 26 3. Joost de Heer 25.5 4. Dirk Borst 21 5. Johan de Boer 20 6. Koen Versmissen 16 7. Peter Bakker 15.5
The theme of the composing tourney was: A proof game with a fairy condition, which results in a position which is an illegal position if regarded orthodox.
The result was:
1 - Michel Caillaud Nunspeet 2003 Tourney 1st prize
Shortest proof game? a) Dynamo b) Platzwechselcirce
2 - Hans Uitenbroek, Koen Versmissen, Joost de Heer Nunspeet 2003 Tourney 1st Comm
Shortest proof game in 8.0 moves (Patrol)
3 - Peter Bakker, Johan de Boer Nunspeet 2003 Tourney 2nd Comm
Shortest proof game in 7.0 moves (Madrasi)
4 - Hans Uitenbroek Nunspeet 2003 Tourney 3rd Comm
Shortest proof game in 10.5 moves (Patrol)