All updates if the Retro Corner
Two new Articles:
In all new pages the solutions are hidden on the problem page, there is no solution page anymore. A solution can be shown/hidden by a click on a button; there is also a "Show/Hide all Solutions" button (useful for printing). Javascript required.
Starting with this update basic CSS support and basic Javascript support by the browser are needed to sow/hide the solutions which are now part of the problem pages (there are no solution pages anymore).
New Retro Problems:
Retro Tourney Announcements:
New Retro Articles:
New Retro articles:
New Retro problems:
Articles and Glossary items:
Many thanks to Werner Keym for providing all these updates!
Thanks to Thierry le Gleuher for the Phénix problems and to Joost de Heer for The Problemist problems.
Solutions added:
Recent Retro Problems:
Older Retro Problems:
Retro Problems:
Retro Glossary:
Retro Tourneys for Solvers:
Records in Retro Analysis:
All announcements of Retro tourneys have been moved to a dedicated page to keep the main page smaller.
Phénix 69, Dec. 1998 (added Dec. 30th, 1998)