by Philippe Schnoebelen
672 - A. Klibanski and N. Plaksin 2nd Prize feenschach 1977
13+10. (Grid-Chess) (a) Where have the missing men been captured? (b) First move of the Black King?
671 - M. Caillaud 2nd Prize feenschach 1979
12+10. (Maos g1, e7) Both sides may castle. The game was played with Maos instead of Knights. (a) Where have the Bishops been captured? (b) Least number of moves by Mao b8?
F1557R - Peter Fayers and Cedric Lytton The Problemist, Jul. 1995
11+13. Game played with Equihoppers instead of Knights. What was captured where?
3309 - René J. Millour US Problem Bull. 101, May-June 1995
15+15+1. Which were the capture squares? (Imitator g6)
2616 - R. J. Millour Phénix 54, Jul.-Aug. 1997
9+9. (Plus chess) Which unit necessarily visited d6?
321 - Dr. Niels Høeg The Chess Amateur, 1928
4+2. Bl. retracts and helpmates in 1 (Grasshopper b4 & Nightrider b1)
2711 - N. Plaksin 3rd Hon. Mention, diagrammes 1991-92
8+8. Is this possible? (Madrasi)
1 - Wolfgang Dittmann feenschach 91, May 1989 1st Prize feenschach 1989
14+15. (Losing Game) First move of wh. Pawn f2?
R2 - Caillaud, Michel Comm. Andernach TT, 1993
15+15. Shortest proof game in 3.0 moves (Andernach chess)
2 - Laurent Joudon Rex Multiplex, 1983
4+3. (Retro-Volages) Mate in 2
3667 - Tschöpe, Jürgen Problemkiste, 02/1995
15+16. Shortest proof game in 2.5 moves (Dynamo chess)
9067 - Pascal Wassong Die Schwalbe Heft 156, 12/1995
13+11. Where has the Bl. Queen been captured? (Madrasi)
3 - R. J. Millour Probleemblad, Jan. 1995
8+7+1. The white King is somewhere on the board. Where is he? Where have the black Bishops been captured? (Imitator g1)
4 - Luigi Ceriani La Genesi delle Posizioni, 1961 Ded. D. E. Cohen & F. R. Oliver
12+12. Vertical cylinder. Where is the h-a border? What was the 1st move of the black QB?
5 - Raymond Smullyan The Chess Mysteries of Sherlock Holmes, 1979
6+4. Monochromatic chess. White to move. Prove that a promotion and an en passant capture occurred
2104 - J. Lörinc Phénix 34, Oct. 1995
2+9. Last move? (a) Orthodox (b) Patrol chess (c) Isardam
8950 - René J. Millour Die Schwalbe Heft 154, 08/1995
2+3. Last 6 single moves? (Martian Circe)
3509 - Caillaud, Michel Problemkiste, 08/1994
9+16. Shortest proof game in 9.5 moves (Andernach chess)
3300 - Thierry Le Gleuher diagrammes 113, 04/1995
8+9. Last 23 single moves? (Monochromatic chess)
F1489R - Juraj Lörinc The Problemist, Sep. 1994
16+14. (Patrol chess) (a) Game score to whose 14th? (b) Mate in 1 (who?)
3718 - Tschöpe, Jürgen Problemkiste, 04/1995
16+15. Proof game in 3.0 moves (Dynamo chess)
404 - N. Plaksine Europe Echecs 283, 07/1982 In memoriam Roger Diot
6+13. Reflex mate in 1
6 - L. A. Garaza Thèmes 64, Jan. 1962 3rd Prize
12+9. (Maximummer) Mate in 2. (a) diagram; (b) Pd5 -> c3; (c) Pd5 -> c2