Awards 1991-1992
541 - G. Wilts
Europe Echecs 385, 01/1991
Ded. A. Frolkine
1st Prize Europe Echecs 91-92
14+12. First move of the bKR?
537 - M. Caillaud
Europe Echecs 385, 01/1991
2nd Prize Europe Echecs 91-92
13+12. Reflex mate in 1
557 - T. Le Gleuher
Europe Echecs 397, 01/1992
3rd Prize Europe Echecs 91-92
13+14. White to move. First move of the white f P?
551 - P. Wassong
Europe Echecs 391, 07/1991
4th Prize Europe Echecs 91-92
14+12. Solve the position
546 - G. Wilts
Europe Echecs 388, 04/1991
1st Hon. Mention Europe Echecs 91-92
12+13. Who may castle?
550 - M. Caillaud and J. Rotenberg
Europe Echecs 391, 07/1991
2nd Hon. Mention Europe Echecs 91-92
15+15. Shortest proof game. (a) Wh. has the move; (b) Bl. has the move
545v - A. A. Kisliak
Europe Echecs 395, 10/1991 (for the corrected version)
Ded. A. A. Troitzky. Died 125th years ago.
3rd Hon. Mention Europe Echecs 91-92
12+13. (a) Add two pieces on a8 and b8. (b) Mate in 1 (c) Could there have been opportunities for en-passant captures?
567 - A. Kornilov
Europe Echecs 405, 10/1992
Ded. A Kouznetzov for his 60th birthday
4th Hon. Mention Europe Echecs 91-92
27+0. Colour the pieces. (a) Mate in 1. (b) Last 6 single moves? (c) Sequence of captures?