No. 124 , Jan. 1998
3936 - A. Zolotarev
diagrammes 124, 01/1998
10+13. The Bishop moves are interleaved with other moves. Shortest length of this sequence?
3937 - N. Plaksin and A. Zolotarev
diagrammes 124, 01/1998
11+12. Solve the position
3938 - J.-M. Trillon
diagrammes 124, 01/1998
4+3. (Sentry chess) Wh. to move. Ortho-Reconstruction in 9.5 moves.
3939 - V. Liskovets
diagrammes 124, 01/1998
6+1. Mate in 7. Post-Factum Retro-Volages