The Retrograde Analysis Corner


Awards 1993-1994 (Awarded by T. Volet)

3100 - N. Plaksin and A. Zolotarev
diagrammes 109, 04/1994
1st Prize, diagrammes 1993-94


14+11. Promotions took place after White's e2-e3. Release the position


3195 - P. Wassong
diagrammes 111, 10/1994
2nd Prize, diagrammes 1993-94


14+10. First move of the black King?


16p39 - A. Frolkin
diagrammes Special Issue #15, July 1994
Hon. Mention, diagrammes 1993-94


13+13. h2# (


2932 - N. Plaksin and A. Zolotarev
Hon. Mention, diagrammes 1993-94


12+12. Release the position (2 variants)
