The Retrograde Analysis Corner
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Thema Danicum

Chess Magazine with Retro Content

Thema Danicum was a quarterly Danish-language magazine devoted to chess composition. In each issue it publishes a couple of original retro problems in its "fairy" section. Almost every issue contains an article on retro problems.

Unfortunately, Thema Danicum was discontinued in 2006.

Original Retro Problems

  Jan Apr Jul Oct
2006 121 122 123  
2005 117 118 119 120
2004 113 114 115 116
2003 109 110 111 112
2002 105 106 107 108
2001 101 102 103 104
2000 097 098 099 100
1999 093 094 095 096
1998 089 090 091 092
1997 085 086 087 088
1996 081 082 083 084

Special Collections

Thema Danicum New Year's tournament 1998