Awarded Problems
46th World Congress of Chess Composition Moscow, Russia 2003 (July 26 - August 02)
Theme: ProofGame with capture of Anti-Pronkin piece. Thematic capture doesn't necessarily occurs on promotion square Fairy ProofGames are allowed.
Anti-Pronkin: An original piece goes to the promoting square of a captured promoted piece. Promoted and original piece are of the same kind. (Pronkin: A promoted piece goes to the original square of a captured original piece.)
Judge: Michel Caillaud
1 - Kostas Prentos This problem originally was the first prize, but later found to be cooked.
12+13. Shortest proof game in 21.0 moves
2 - Reto Aschwanden 1-3 Prize
13+13. Shortest proof game in 15.0 moves
3 - Rustam Ubaidullaev 1-3 Prize
13+14. Shortest proof game in 17.5 moves
4 - Gerd Wilts 1-3 Prize
12+13. Shortest proof game in 19.0 moves
5 - Allan Bell, Jonathan Mestel Special Prize
14+13. Shortest proof game in 12.5 moves, Isarda - No en passant capture
6 - Reto Aschwanden 1st Honorable mention
15+13. Shortest proof game in 16.5 moves
7 - Igor Vereschagin 2nd Honorable mention
12+13. Shortest proof game in 15.0 moves
8 - Allan Bell 1st Commendation
14+14. Shortest proof game in 14.5 moves
9 - Eric Huber and Vlaicu Crisan 2nd Commendation
12+14. Shortest proof game in 17.0 moves
10 - Christoph Fieberg 3d Commendation
14+14. Shortest proof game in 10.0 moves
Some problems that were sent on correct time, arrived some time after I handed my award to the organization team for inclusion in the Congress bulletin! (so Rustam couldn't have the positions). I decided to give them Special awards (all HM). Here they are:
11 - Andrew Buchanan Dedicated to Julius Livanus Special Honorable Mention
14+13. Shortest proof game in 10.0 moves
12 - Gligor Denkovski Special Honorable Mention
12+11. Shortest proof game in 10.5 moves
13 - Gianni Donati Special Honorable Mention
13+14. Shortest proof game in 13.0 moves