For the Retro Enthusiast
Note by Joost de Heer: The 'I' in the rest of the text is Philippe Schnoebelen. Please mail him for questions about books and articles on this list.
This list is quite short because my collection is very small. I'd like to enlarge it.
Do not hesitate to ask me for xeroxes of some articles you are looking for. We can trade !! This WWW Retro-Corner is meant for communication and exchanges.
Books are listed elsewhere ...
[Bea95] Un petit bouquet de rétros élémentaires (A small bouquet of elementary retros)
J. Beasley
diagrammes 114, Jul. 1995. pp 2690-2691.
Present six retros (oldies) geared towards the club chess-player.
In French (but the author states he has written on that same topic in earlier Brit. Chess Mag. issues. [Q] Which issues ?).
[Cha72] Detective at the Chessboard
M. Charosh
Journal of Recreational Mathematics 5(2), pp 94-101, 1972.
A very clear exposition of the most basic elements underlying retro-analysis: inventory and balance, promotions, en-passant and castling legality, (simple) impossible cages.
One of the most basic texts listed in these pages.
[Fab71] Initiation à l'analyse rétrograde
K. Fabel
Problème, 74, March 1971.
A special 54-pages issue of Problème containing Fabel's survey of the field.
[Fab73] Introduction to retrograde analysis
published by Q Press, Kew Gardens, Surrey, 1973.
P. Cohen's translation of the previous entry. Next thing to read after the Sherlock Holmes book. Ask me for a copy if you can't find it.
[Nor97] Surfing backwards
David Norwood
The Daily Telegraph Apr. 5th, 1997.
David Norwood's saturday chess chronicle features the WWW Retro Corner !!!
[RS96] Introducing retros. Part I - Last Move? problems
Mark Ridley and Brian Stephenson
The Problemist Supplement 24, Sep. 1996. pp 203-204.
Introductory article with three examples.
[Ditt2003] Lösungsstrategien im Verteidigungsrückzüger mit Anticirce-Bedingung.
Wolfgang Dittmann
Die Schwalbe 204, Dezember 2003, S. 277-284.
A detailed explanation, how to solve defensive retractors with Anticirce.
[Cai82] La famille des Rétractors
M. Caillaud
4-parts split in Rex Multiplex 1, Jan. 1982, to 4, Oct. 1982.
Presents and classifies the different kinds of retractor problems.
[Cai85a] Retrograde Analysis
Rex Multiplex 13, Jan. 1985. pp 402-404.
A presentation of the classic Dawson and Hundsdorfer's Retrograde Analysis book.
[Cai85b] Les problèmes de série "conséquents" (Consequent series-movers)
4-parts split in Rex Multiplex 14, Apr. 1985, to 18, Apr. 1986.
Historical introduction and classification of themes in consequent series-movers.
[Cai86] Les parties justificatives exactes (Exact proof games)
Rex Multiplex 19, Jul. 1986. pp 641-643; and Rex Multiplex 20, Oct. 1986. pp 674.
Different themes in the SPG genre.
[Fab81] Meisterwerke der RetroAnalyse (Masterworks of RA)
Split in the six 1981 issues of Die Schwalbe.
Written in 1971 (Fabel died 1975). Contains 50 problems with Fabel's comments.
[Q] Is there an English translation?
[FK83a] Idées nouvelles dans l'analyse rétrograde (New ideas in RA)
A. Frolkin and A. Kornilov
Rex Multiplex, 6, Apr. 1983. pp 156 & 161-162.
Present several kinds of retro-rebuses.
[FK83b] Records "pièce promue prend pièce promue au dernier coup (Type C)"
Rex Multiplex, 8, Oct. 1983. pp 213-214.
Extends the well-known economical "Last Move" theme by adding the "promoted man captures promoted man" motif.
[FK90] Rétro-variantes (Variation Retroanalysis)
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #6 of diagrammes, Oct. 1990. pp 13-16.
An anthology of problems featuring several possible histories ("retro-variations") with a thematic link (e.g. four different promotions). NB: Not about Partial Retro-Analysis.
[FKV90] Un nouveau type de jumeaux, ou la logique quantique de la composition (New type of twinning, or the quantum logic of chess composition)
A. Frolkin and S. Komarov and A. Vasilenko
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #6 of diagrammes, Oct. 1990. pp 10-13.
About problems where the twin "(b) after the key" has a different retro-past. (Clearer after you've seen an example)
[Fro90] Rétro-coups d'attente (Retro tempo moves)
A. Frolkin
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #6 of diagrammes, Oct. 1990. pp 17-21.
An essay on tempo-losing moves in retro-play.
[Fro94] Novelty: a formula to estimate two-solution shortest proof games
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 12-16.
Argues that SPG problems with several solutions (click here for an example) are even better when the two solutions are completely different, and offers to quantify this.
[Geo94] Paradox and partiality in retroanalysis
A. George
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 25-34.
An essay in defense of the Partial Retro-Analysis logic in ches composition. Offers a long argumentation and a clear definition.
[GM96] Illegal Cluster en Wenigsteiner
Hans Gruber and Frank Müller
in Phénix 42, June 1996. pp 3218-3241.
An impressive presentation of the Illegal Cluster genre, discussing history, ideas, themes, ... (includes Legal Clusters and fairy problems). Focusing on "Wenigsteiner" (problems with at most four units) is not a limitation with this genre. On the contrary, it brings unity and simplicity and allows quasi-encyclopedic exhaustivity.
[GS96] Plus courtes parties justificatives (PCPJ) avec mat final (SPGs ending in mate)
Norbert Gei?#376;ler and Richard Stanley
in Quartz 2, Autumn 1996. pp 22-23.
Lists currently known shortest dual-free proof games ending in mate. There is a variety of records depending on mating moves and assorted conditions (e.g. "game without capture"). Here is one of them, the quickest (so far) dual-free mate by castling: 1. e3 c6 2. Qg4 Qa5 3. Qxd7+ Nxd7 4. Ke2 Nb6 5. Kd3 Bf5+ 6. Kd4 O-O-O# (due to Wilts & Gei?#376;ler).
If you'd like to improve on some records, you can get the latest standing by emailing to Norbert Gei?#376;ler <norbert.geissler(at)>
[Haa97] Wievel verschiendene letzte Züge? (How many different last moves?)
Josef Haas
in Die Schwalbe 166, Aug. 1997. pp 179-180.
Six original retractors where there is a very large number of potential last moves.
[Jue96] Løsning af bevispartier (Solving proof games)
Henrik Juel
in Thema Danicum 84, Oct. 1996. pp 94-95.
A gentle introduction explaining how solvers can attack SPG's.
[KF98] KBP-Symmetrie
A. Kornilow and A. Frolkin
Die Schwalbe 169, Feb. 1998. pp 340-342.
Symmetry in the final position of SPG's has mainly been axial symmetry. The authors list such examples and offer three original SPGs with central symmetry.
The SPGs can be found here
[Kis91] Ten retros by Nikita Plaksin
A. A. Kislyak
The Problemist, Jul. 1991. pp 388-389.
A tribute written on the occasion of N. Plaksin's 60th birthday.
[Kis92] Werwolf-Figuren im Retroland
A. Kisljak
feenschach 103, Jan. 1992. pp 272-274.
Title says all !
[Kis94] Four, the magical figure of retroanalysis
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 2-7.
An essay (and anthology) about the ubiquity of number 4 in retro-analysis.
[Kis97] Mattsetzung des schwarzen Königs durch eine Rochade in Beweispartien (Mate by castling in proof games)
A. A. Kisljak
Die Schwalbe 164, Apr. 1997. pp 53-56.
Present short helpgames where Black is checkmated by White's castling, exploring all 17 possible mating squares.
[KP94] La route de l'océan
A. Kuznetsov and N. Plaksin
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 17-20.
About multiple Ceriani promotions.
[Küh89] Last (Fairy-) Move
T. Kühn
feenschach 90, Jan. 1989. pp 43-56.
(completed in feenschach 94, Jan. 1990. pp 275-278.)
Lists economy records in the Last Move stipulation (Type A, B & C) in many fairy genres (Circe, Madrasi, Kamikaze, ... ). In orthodox as well.
[Lis91] The Post Factum Logic in Retro-Volages problems
V. Liskovec
feenschach 101, Nov. 1991. pp 157-163.
Title says all (that is, if you are familiar with retro-volages) !
[Lis98] Tours subordonnées dans les problèmes rétro-volages à analyse rétrograde (Alternative Rooks in Retro-Volages pRA Problems)
V. Liskovets
diagrammes 125, Apr. 1998. pp 3184-3191.
Further exploration by the author of the possibilities offered by the retro-volages fairy genre for pRA effects.
[NF89] Le Rétro-Rébus
H. Nouguier and A. Frolkin
Part I: diagrammes 89, Apr. 1989. pp 1591-1594.
Part II: diagrammes 92, Jan. 1990. pp 1715-1718.
A 2-parts survey of the different kinds of retro-rebuses. 1st part is about coloring problems.
[Oud69] La subordination des roques (Mutually exclusive castlings)
J. Oudot
in Europe-Echecs 130, Nov. 1969. pp 220-221.
A defense of the rule for mutually exclusive castlings.
[PK91] Letzter Zug? Monochromes / Bichromes Schach Typ A
N. Plaksin and A. Kornilow
feenschach 101, Nov. 1991. pp 152-156.
Original economical problems of the Last Move (Type A) genre, in monochromatic and bichromatic chess.
[PK94] Mo & Bi
N. Plaksin and A. Kornilov
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 21-24.
Retroanalysis with Monochromatic or Bichromatic chess.
[PK94] Dr. Ing. Luigi Ceriani teaches us
N. Plaksin and I. Vereshchagin
in Best Problems #2, Apr. 1997. pp 14-18.
A tribute to Ceriani.
[Pla69] Rokirovka v pravile 50-i khodov (Castling in the 50-moves rule)
N. Plaksin
problem 124-126, Mar. 1969. pp 1-9.
Castling can be the critical move in retro-play involving the 50-moves rule.
[Pla79] 50 x 50
problem 188-193, May 1979. pp 170-176.
50 problems by Plaksin, all of them based on the 50-moves rule, covering 10 years of his research on the theme.
[Pla90] Amplitude 44
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #6 of diagrammes, Oct. 1990. pp 21-24.
Presents 3 retro-problems by A. A. Troickij and tells about their eventful story and several versions.
[Pla92] The Great King's Waltz
feenschach 103, Jan. 1992. pp 275-278.
This theme requires that the King visits all four corners.
[PN94] La quadruple promotion en rétro-analyse
N. Plaksin and H. Nouguier
diagrammes 108, Jan. 1994. pp 2450-2453.
An anthology of retros (no SPGs) displaying the AUW (four distinct promotions) theme.
[PV94] Dans l'atelier de restauration (In the restoration wokshop)
N. Plaksin and S. Volobuev
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 8-11.
The history of the successive restoration attempts of a famous M. Wittlich 1948 problem displaying the "50 moves" theme.
[PZ94] Tema Ceriani
N. Plaksin and A. Zolotarev
in Sahovska kompozicija XIV(1994)55-56, Jul-Dec. 1994. pp 27-29.
A comprehensive article on the Ceriani Theme. Contains a literature review and 16 problems illustrating different promotion types.
[Ste90] Wei?#376; zieht und setzt nicht Matt (White to play and not mate)
T. Steudel
feenschach 96, Oct. 1990. pp 378-381.
An anthology of the "White does not mate" problems. [Which are more construction problems than retros.]
[Tal95] Mats aidés à analyse rétrograde (Helpmates with RA)
Y. Tallec
diagrammes 112, Jan. 1995. pp 2603-2611.
An anthology of helpmates with a light retro-content.
[Tur90] Arrière-pensées (Thinking backwards)
R. Turnbull
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #6 of diagrammes, Oct. 1990. pp 3-9.
An essay on the conventions for castling and en-passant rights and their far-reaching consequences.
[Tur94] Abominable problems
The Problemist,Jul. 1994. pp 344-346.
Demonstrates and amplifies the paradoxes behind Constitutional Moves (allowed by default, e.g. castling), Police-court Moves (forbidden by default, e.g. en-passant capture), the A Posteriori logic, etc., in a setting with fairy men.
[Val91] Let's start at the beginning
P. Valois
The Problemist, May 1991. pp 380-381.
Presents the SPG genre (as "one of the more digestible types of retroanalysis").
[Vel95a] Bibliografia scacchistica, annotata
M. Velucchi
Scacchi e Scienze Applicate, Venezia, 1995.
An annotated bibliography for Retrograde Analysis, Maths Chess, Chess problems and computers. Introduction and comments in English and Italian.
This 21-pages booklet is available by writing to Romano Bellucci / Castello 5449 / I-30122 Venezia / ITALY.
[Vel95b] Luigi Ceriani: Tecnica, Logica, Matematica ... Passione per gli Scacchi
Sinfonie Scacchistiche, Jul. 1995. pp 36-37.
A tribute to Ceriani on the occasion of his 100th birthday.
[VK94] The Fischer theme
A. Vasilenko and A. Frolkin
in Analyse Rétrograde, special issue #15 of diagrammes, Jul. 1994. pp 35-40.
The Fischer theme is a King switchback after castling, as it actually occurred in the 8th Fischer-Spassky game of their 1992 match.
[Vol81] Retroanalysis in the U.S.A.
T. Volet
U.S. Problem Bulletin 21, Jan. 1981. pp 10-16.
Illustrated with 5 American retro-problems.
[VW98] Rétros pour Rois et Pions (Kings and Pawns retros)
Thomas Volet and Gerd Wilts
Phénix 65, Jul.-Aug. 1998. pp 4071-4074.
A study of orthodox retros with Kings and Pawns only. Include four originals.
[Was97] Coups d'attente de Cavalier dans une plus courte partie justificative (Waiting moves by Knights in an SPG)
Pascal Wassong
Phénix 49, Feb. 1997. pp 3498-3500.
A note inspired by a recent Peter Wong's SPG where a Knight makes tempo moves.
[Won96] Tempo play in shortest proof games
Peter Wong
U.S. Problem Bulletin 102/103, Jul.-Oct. 1996. pp 76-83.
A rich survey on the wide variety of SPGs having tempo play as main thematic content.
[AB81] Development of a program for solving retrograde analysis chess problems
B. E. Alden and M. A. Bramer
in Proc. 3rd Conf. Advances in Computer Chess, London, April 1981. pp 121-137
[AB88] An Expert System for Solving Retrograde-Analysis Chess Problems
B. E. P. Alden and M. A. Bramer
Int. J. Man-Machine Studies 29(2), 1988. pp 97-112.
[Ald86] An expert system approach to retrograde-analysis
B. E. P. Alden
PhD Thesis, Faculty of Mathematics, The Open University, 1986
available through British Thesis Service / Boston Spa, Whetherby / West Yorshire LS23 7BQ / UK
[Fil79] The interaction of Observation and Inference
R. Filman
PhD Thesis, Comp. Sci. Dept., Memo AIM-327, Stanford Univ., 1979