Rätsel und Puzzles

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Knapp daneben Tapa

OAPC, Nr. 113

Regeln Rules
  1. Blacken some cells of the grid [paper] resp. color the gray cells of the grid black or white [interactively].
  2. Cells with numbers are always white. The numbers indicate how many of the orthogonally and diagonally adjacent cells are black: Each number indicates a group of orthogonally adjacent black cells; different groups are separated by at least one white cell. Position and sequence of the clue numbers is irrelevant.
  3. A question mark indicates "any number" greater than zero.
  4. All black cells must form an orthogonally contiguous area.
  5. The black cells must not cover an area of 2x2 cells or larger.

Knapp daneben: Alle Hinweiszahlen sind falsch; die korrekte Zahl ist entweder um 1 höher oder um 1 niedriger als die angegebene Zahl. Eine 1 kann auch zu einer 0 werden!

  1. Blacken some cells of the grid [paper] resp. color the gray cells of the grid black or white [interactively].
  2. Cells with numbers are always white. The numbers indicate how many of the orthogonally and diagonally adjacent cells are black: Each number indicates a group of orthogonally adjacent black cells; different groups are separated by at least one white cell. Position and sequence of the clue numbers is irrelevant.
  3. A question mark indicates "any number" greater than zero.
  4. All black cells must form an orthogonally contiguous area.
  5. The black cells must not cover an area of 2x2 cells or larger.

Knapp daneben: All given numbers are wrong. The correct number is either 1 higher or 1 lower, meaning a 1 can possibly turn into a zero.




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